Vivero Cavu Sustainable Plant & Tree Nursery –Casa Cavu

Sustainable Plants and Trees loaded in the back of a Bongo at Cavu Vivero

Vivero Cavu –Our New Sustainable Green House Nursery in Costa Rica

Cavu Land Development Projects has recently established a new green house nursery in Costa Rica called Vivero Cavu . The nursery will be used for propagating all the plants and trees needed for Cavu's various land development projects in the area. Some of the first plants and trees will be planted at Casa Cavu.


Propagation is an important tool for creating sustainable permaculture

Propagation allows for the creation of new plants without relying on external sources. By propagating plants in-house, Cavu Vivero can ensure that the plants and trees used in its land development projects are well-suited to the local environment and can thrive without the use of synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. In addition, propagation reduces the need to continually purchase plants from outside nurseries.

Propagation involves taking trimming or cuttings from a plant or tree and using them to create new plants and trees. The process involves selecting healthy branches from the parent tree and cutting them into sections, each with several buds. The cuttings are then dipped in rooting hormone and planted in a suitable medium, such as soil or perlite. Over time, the cuttings will develop roots and grow into new trees. Propagation through tree trimmings is a sustainable way to create new trees that are genetically identical to the parent tree, ensuring that the desired traits are passed on to future generations.


Heliconia at Casa Cavu

Heliconia dot the jungle property at Casa Cavu. Many species can be found while walking the network of trails. These plants are commonly grown for their large, colorful and showy flowers, which are typically arranged in a distinctive, upright inflorescence or spike. Heliconias are often found in tropical rainforests of Costa Rica, and they thrive in warm and humid environment. Trimmings from these plants will be used to propagate more heliconias for ornamental landscaping to add a splash of color and texture to gardens and outdoor spaces.


Working with Cavu Land Corp in Costa Rica

Cavu Land Corp is committed to creating exceptional living experiences for their clients. With a focus on sustainability, beauty, and quality, they have made Casa Cavu a truly remarkable property. The addition of the new in-house nursery is just one example of their commitment to sustainability. Through their organic farming and landscaping methods, Cavu Land Corp is creating a property that seamlessly blends modern luxury with the natural beauty of the surrounding landscape.

If you're interested in seeing the landscaping and transformation yourself, we invite you to visit Casa Cavu and experience the natural elegance of the property firsthand.


Decorative Stone Column Fence –Casa Cavu


Site Work Begins –Casa Cavu