Decorative Stone Column Fence –Casa Cavu

Stone column fence installation at Casa Cavu Land Development project in Costa Rica

Adding Beauty to Casa Cavu: Stone Columns for the Perimeter Fence

Casa Cavu is a stunning land development project in Costa Rica that boasts breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean and the lush jungle landscape. The developers of the property, Cavu Land Corp, have made it their mission to create a truly exceptional living experience for those who call Casa Cavu home. To further enhance the beauty and aesthetic value of the property, Cavu Land Corp has recently added new stone columns to the perimeter fence. These columns were built using locally-sourced stones from a nearby river, and they add a touch of natural elegance to the property's already stunning landscape.

Stone work finished for perimeter fence at Casa Cavu in Costa Rica

Stone work finished for perimeter fence at Casa Cavu in Costa Rica.

Building The Stone Columns

Building stone columns is a meticulous process that requires skill, patience, and attention to detail. The process typically involves the following steps:

  • Excavate and prepare the site: The first step in building stone columns is to excavate the site where the columns will be built. This involves clearing away any debris or vegetation and leveling the ground to create a flat surface.

  • Set the base for the columns: Once the site is prepared, the builders will set the base for the columns. This usually involves pouring a concrete foundation to create a sturdy base for the stones.

  • Build the concrete block columns: The next step is to cut and shape the stones that will be used for the columns. This is done using specialized tools, such as chisels and saws, to create the desired shape and size for each stone.

  • Lay the stones and secure them with mortar: Once the stones are cut and shaped, they are laid in place on the concrete base. Mortar is used to secure the stones in place and create a solid column structure.

  • Finishing touches and cleanup: After the stones are secured with mortar, any excess mortar is removed and the columns are given a final cleaning to ensure that they look their best.

a pile of local river stone to be used for the stone fence at Casa Cavu in Costa Rica

Local river stone delivered to the Casa Cavu in Costa Rica.

Sourcing the Stone

The stones used to build the columns at Casa Cavu were sourced locally from a nearby river in Costa Rica. This is a testament to the developers' commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. Using locally-sourced materials not only helps to reduce the carbon footprint of the construction project but also supports the local economy.


The Benefits of Stone Columns: Beauty and Longevity

Stone columns are not only beautiful but also durable and long-lasting. Unlike other building materials that may deteriorate over time, stone columns can withstand the elements and stand the test of time. Additionally, the use of stone columns can add value to a property in terms of resale and property value. Stone columns are also low maintenance, requiring little upkeep or repairs over time.

Working with Cavu Land Corp in Costa Rica

Cavu Land Corp is committed to creating exceptional living experiences for their clients. With a focus on sustainability, beauty, and quality, they have made Casa Cavu a truly remarkable property. The addition of the new stone columns to the perimeter fence is just one example of their commitment to excellence. Through their innovative construction methods, Cavu Land Corp has created a property that seamlessly blends modern luxury with the natural beauty of the surrounding landscape.

If you're interested in seeing the new stone columns for yourself, we invite you to visit Casa Cavu and experience the natural elegance of the property firsthand.


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