Digging Footers & Foundations –BOHORICA

Digging the foundation and footers at Bohorica in Costa Rica

Support for Foundation

Bohorica, a new house currently being built in Costa Rica. It will be constructed on a raised concrete foundation with solid concrete walls. Due to the fact this house will be constructed with solid concrete walls, a solid foundation needs to be formed under each wall to support the weight of the finished walls.

The process digging a foundation involves several steps:

  • Excavation is the process of removing soil and other materials from the ground to create a level base for the foundation.

  • Formwork is the construction of temporary walls or molds that define the shape and size of the foundation.

Overall, building the concrete foundation required careful planning to ensure a strong and stable foundation that will support the structure above it for many years to come. Cavu Land Corp is working closely with the client every step of the development process to ensure a successful project.


Building The Foundation –BOHORICA


Land clearing site prep underway –BOHORICA