Concrete Block Walls & Headers –BOHORICA


Building the concrete walls and headers at Bohorica

Cavu Land Corp of Costa Rica is currently building concrete block walls and headers for a new house at the land We are currently building concrete block walls and headers for a new house at the Bohorica Project. The construction team is taking a traditional approach to building the walls by filling each block with concrete to make it solid. The concrete block walls will provide the house with the necessary strength and stability to withstand the harsh weather conditions and pests that are common when living in a tropical rainforest. The solid walls also serve as a good insulator.

In addition to the concrete block walls, the team is also pouring the headers in place with forms. This means that the headers are being built on-site instead of being built off-site and then transported to the construction site.


Concrete block and poured concrete are among the most utilized materials for construction in Costa Rica. They are also some of the best materials to withstand the elements and environment that come with living in a jungle. By utilizing these materials, this is a house that will last for generations to come.


Black Bamboo Roof –BOHORICA


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