Living fence planted along road frontage and entrance –BOHORICA

Living fence planted on jungle prorperty in Costa Rica

A living fence will be planted along the public road of the property. The fence will incorporate living tree posts planted every 3 meters with larger ornamental plants filling the spaces between the posts and smaller plants lining the front of the entire fence.

The fence will serve to create a natural barrier from the road and a perimeter around the property. A variety of trees and plants native to Costa Rica will be planted between the trees as fill and decoration. The trees will be harvested from another Cavu development project close to the property.

Update: 12/05/22

The road frontage of the property has been cleared and precut natural fence posts are being installed into post holes. A gate towards the main entrance of the property has been built and temporarily installed for easy access to the property.


Architectural Floor Plans & Elevation Renderings –BOHORICA


Project Overview –BOHORICA