Land Conversion to Sustainable Permaculture Garden –Casa Cavu

Permaculture diagram of all the fruits being planted for Casa Cavu in Dominical

The owners of Casa Cavu jungle property are embracing the Pura Vida lifestyle and Tico diet with the planning and planting of a Permaculture Garden on the hillsides and backyard of their new land in the mountains above Dominical, Costa Rica.

Touring the Nursery

Bananas are just one of the many fruits planted by Francisco

(Left) Bananas are a staple of the Costa Rican diet and grow on every corner. (Right) Francisco, horticultural specialist and owner of the home nursery where many of the plants and seedlings will be sourced for the Casa Cavu Permaculture Garden.

Picking fruits from the permaculture nursery for Casa Cavu in Dominical

Harvesting and taste testing the Naranja Naval (Naval Oranges) during the tour of the nursery.

Taking a tour of the permaculture farm in Costa Rica

Exploring the biodiversity here in Costa Rica in the jungle trails of the nursery leading up to the mountain valley views.

Nursery for Casa Cavu Permaculture Gardens in Costa Rica

A staging area at the nursery for preparing seedlings that will get transplanted to the Casa Cavu Permaculture Gardens.

Francisco and his family posing for a picture at the Permaculture Nursery.

Permaculture Gardening is a family affair and way of life in Costa Rica. From left to right: Wife: Carmen, Husband: Francisco, Nephew: Alan


Site Work Begins –Casa Cavu


100 Coffee Trees Planted –Casa Cavu