Digging and Pouring Footers - Casa Cavu

Building Phase Insights: Laying the Foundation

In this pivotal phase of construction, we dive deep into the groundwork, focusing on the crucial elements that form the building's strong foundation.

Digging and Reinforcing Footers

Our hands-on approach begins with precision digging, creating footers approximately 2 feet deep. These footers are fortified with steel rebar and special fiber additives, meticulously added for enhanced strength before the concrete pouring process commences. This meticulous preparation ensures a robust foundation that guarantees long-term structural integrity.

Stem Wall Elevation and Steel Supports:

We're not just stopping at footers. Our next step involves raising a stem wall to match the final floor height. Additionally, we're constructing steel supports for elevated sections of the building. These supports are strategically designed and implemented to ensure stability and support throughout the structure, setting the stage for a reliable framework.

Plumbing Installation

While focusing on the groundwork, we're also efficiently installing all plumbing pipes. This simultaneous approach streamlines the construction process, ensuring that essential utilities are seamlessly integrated into the building's foundation.

This phase is a crucial juncture in our construction journey. It encompasses meticulous preparation, strategic elevation, and the integration of essential plumbing elements. The culmination of these efforts lays the groundwork for a sturdy and reliable structure.

Contact Cavu Land Corp today to learn more about the project and how they can help you find or develop land in Costa Rica.


Gabion Walls –Casa Cavu