Cattle grazing & fencing system added to prevent erosion –Finca Magnolia

View from one of the top pastures at Cavu Land Corp project Finca Magnolia, Costa Rica

Recently at Finca Magnolia, a beautiful farm nestled in the mountains above Platanillo, Costa Rica, a new cattle fencing system was installed to prevent land erosion and improve the health of the pastures. The fences also keep the cattle away from the areas used for foot travel and trails.

The land at Finca Magnolia has been divided into 7 pastures of approximately 4.5 acres each. This division allows for the rotation of cows every few months, which will help to pack down the soil and promote healthy growth in the pasture. This type of rotational grazing is essential for maintaining the health of the land and the animals that graze on it.

What makes this new fencing system at Finca Magnolia so special is that it's made from trees cut on the property and replanted as a living fence. This approach not only helps to prevent land erosion but also promotes sustainable land use by reducing the need for external materials.


At Finca Magnolia, sustainability is at the core of our farming practices. We believe in working with the land, not against it. By utilizing natural resources, we are able to create a system that benefits both the land and the animals that depend on it.

If you're ever in the area, I highly recommend visiting Finca Magnolia. Not only will you be able to experience the beauty of the Costa Rican mountains, but you'll also get to witness firsthand the power of sustainable farming practices.


Cutting in a new internal road for improved access –Finca Magnolia