Rough in Piping for Plumbing, Electric, and Propane - Casa Cavu

Electrical and Propane System Installation

Having set the foundation and stem wall in place, our attention turns to laying down the groundwork for electrical conduits and propane system pipes. These essential elements are meticulously installed to ensure seamless functionality and safety throughout the property.

Plumbing Considerations

While handling the electrical and propane systems, we're also dedicated to sorting out the plumbing intricacies. Notably, our attention to detail extends to the toilets, where individual flushouts have been installed, enabling easier future maintenance. Moreover, the implementation of 6-inch-thick black water drains stands as a proactive measure against potential clogs, ensuring uninterrupted operation.

Thoughtful Planning for Gray Water Pipes

One standout feature is our strategic planning concerning gray water pipes. These pipes bypass the septic tank, draining directly into the leachfield. This thoughtful approach maintains the biological balance of the septic system, ensuring its efficient functionality over time.

The integration of electrical conduits, propane system pipes, and plumbing elements marks a pivotal phase in our construction journey. Each detail, from individual flushouts to proactive measures against clogs and strategic gray water piping, reflects our commitment to ensuring smooth functionality and long-term efficiency.

Contact Cavu Land Corp today to learn more about the project and how they can help you find or develop land in Costa Rica.


Hand Poured Concrete Slab - Casa Cavu


Gabion Walls –Casa Cavu