Headers, Columns & Crown Beam Installation - Casa Cavu

As we progress through the stages of construction, witnessing the transformation of our envisioned space into tangible reality is an incredibly fulfilling journey.

Labor-Intensive Progress

The process of forming and pouring headers, along with the repetitive stacking of blocks, undoubtedly demanded intense labor. However, the tangible result is truly gratifying as the structure of the house begins to take shape.

Spectacular Views and Architectural Marvels

Each room in the house now boasts breathtaking views of the valley, accentuated by the presence of an inviting pool. Furthermore, a significant stride has been made with the pouring of six substantial columns. These columns are the sturdy support for the custom-made crown beams, set to adorn the main room. Envisioned with awe-inspiring 17-foot ceilings and an impressive 30-foot accordion door opening, this space promises to be a magnificent focal point of the house.

Bringing Vision to Life

The vision for this expansive, open space is progressively coming alive with each meticulous detail and structural element falling into place. It's a testament to the dedication and craftsmanship involved in bringing our dreams to fruition.

The journey from concept to reality is taking shape, and the unfolding stages of construction bring a sense of excitement and accomplishment. With stunning valley views, substantial architectural features, and an evolving vision, our dream space is steadily becoming a breathtaking reality.

Contact Cavu Land Corp today to learn more about the project and how they can help you find or develop land in Costa Rica.


Roof Beams and Insulation - Casa Cavu


Construction of Concrete Walls - Casa Cavu