300 Bamboo Planted as a Living Fence –Casa Cavu

Bamboo blind, living fence and border at Casa Cavu in Costa RIca

"Blind" bamboo is a cost effective way to establish a healthy natural boundary or border and provides good ground stability. 270 bamboo plants were planted to create a wall along the northern border of the Casa Cavu jungle property in Dominical, Costa Rica, and 30 more were used to border one of the main walking trails. This bamboo will grow approximately 4m tall and will not spread, making it great for use in tight spaces and around water features. Its blind characteristic allows you to see light through the branches while still providing adequate privacy and a good natural alternative to a fence.

Design & Build

300 Bamboo plant seedlings being bagged at the nursery for shipment to Casa Cavu in Costa Rica

300 bamboo plants were order from a local bamboo farm months in advance of the delivery date.

Bamboo plants arrive at Casa Cavu in Costa Rica

Francisco, property manager and horticulturalist, couldn’t be more excited to receive the bamboo plants.

Fertilizer has been premixed at Casa Cavu to prepare for the 300 Bamboo plants

A complex natural fertilizer has been prepared to fill in the holes during planting to ensure the bamboo plants have a healthy and rapid growth.

Bamboo plants were planted along the edges of the hiking trails at Casa Cavu

30 bamboo plants were used to border one of the main walking trails.

270 bamboo plants were planted at Casa Cavu to create property border walls and privacy.

270 bamboo plants were planted to create a wall blind along the northern border of the property. This will create privacy from neighbors and as a sound barrier to the main road at the top of the mountain.

Mature bamboo used as privacy blind between the road and cabin at Casa Cavu

Mature bamboo is already being used as a blind to separate the shipping container / cabina from the road.


40ft Shipping Container / Cabina Delivered –Casa Cavu


Architectural Floor Plans and Renderings –Casa Cavu